S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Youth empowerment and value re-orientation: The road map to strong and peaceful nation Jummai Grace TABAT Pages: 140-143 | 739 Views 309 Downloads | Nigeria |
2 | Ethanol extraction of seaweed on polyester fabric R Priyanka and Dr. M Jayakumari Pages: 144-146 | 525 Views 237 Downloads | India |
3 | Socio economic profile of Kudumbashree members in Kollam District Neethu Mohan, Saravana Selvi C and KS Pushpa Pages: 147-150 | 380 Views 151 Downloads | India |
4 | किशोर एवं किशोरियों के सम्पूर्ण विकास पर पड़ने वाले संचार माध्यमों के प्रभाव डाॅ0 सरिता वर्मा एवं जया शुक्ला [Download] Pages: 151-152 | 168 Views 120 Downloads | India |
5 | Trible people in India: A review Dr. Nikita Wadhawan, Chetna Dangi and Manju Saini Pages: 153-155 | 590 Views 149 Downloads | India |
6 | किशोरावस्था की समस्याओं के समाधान में श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता की भूमिका कविता सिंह, डाॅ. चारू व्यास Pages: 156-158 | 385 Views 197 Downloads | India |
7 | Practices affecting menstrual cycle among first level students in government nursing colleges Khartoum State Amal M Elhusein, Niama M Ibrahim and Hadayat A Amasha Pages: 159-165 | 377 Views 179 Downloads | Sudan |
8 | Designs of block printing and use of techniques Sumayal Anjum and Neelma Kunwar Pages: 166-167 | 558 Views 382 Downloads | India |
9 | Role of multigrain based flour mixes to combat malnutrition among adolescents Manju Saini, Nikita Wadhawan and Chetna Dangi Pages: 168-171 | 419 Views 250 Downloads | India |
10 | Plants used as medicine by the ethnic tribes: A case study of Kalahandi District, Odisha Dr. Sarojini Padhan Pages: 172-175 | 763 Views 565 Downloads | India |