S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Emotional maturity of adolescents in relation to their age and family income Kusum, Dr. Manju Kanwar Rathore and Shikha Kapoor Pages: 260-262 | 799 Views 593 Downloads | India |
2 | Development of black rice (Oryza sativa L. Indica) based crackers for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients Rukshana Shah, Shweatha HE and Rukshana Shah Pages: 263-267 | 806 Views 359 Downloads | India |
3 | Nettle Fiber: The eco-friendly resurgence in sustainable fashion Dr. Rachna Mohan Pages: 268-273 | 2464 Views 2158 Downloads | India |
4 | महिला, फैशन, अपराध और मीडिया डॉ. नीरजा गुप्ता Pages: 274-277 | 319 Views 107 Downloads | India |
5 | Nutritional assessment of children with congenital heart disease in a tertiary care centre Manonmani M and Dr. Priya Pillai Pages: 278-280 | 483 Views 290 Downloads | India |
6 | जनजातीय महिलाओं के शैक्षणिक और व्यावसायिक विकास में लिंग का प्रभाव डॉ. मृदुला भारती एवं अल्पा यादव Pages: 281-282 | 301 Views 109 Downloads | India |
7 | Appraisal of antioxidant content and activity of developed composite flour from finger millet, black soybean and moringa leaf powder Alka Singh, Neha Sahrawat and Neelam Chaturvedi Pages: 283-287 | 529 Views 329 Downloads | India |
8 | Development of cereal and millet based multigrain chips using variety of mixes Neha Vishwakarma and Dr. Meenal Phadnis Pages: 288-290 | 1066 Views 769 Downloads | India |
9 | Clean technologies for textile processing units: Need of the hour Dr. Vinita Koka Pages: 291-295 | 302 Views 108 Downloads | India |
10 | Physiochemical characteristics of textile effluents through common effluent treatment plant of Pali district Dr. Vinita Koka Pages: 296-298 | 300 Views 139 Downloads | India |
11 | कामकाजी महिलाओं में आहार और पोषणः सुपरफूड चिया सीड्स के विशेष संदर्भ में सोनी कुमारी सिंह Pages: 299-303 | 78 Views 55 Downloads | India |