S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Menstrual awareness and hygiene practices among college going girls Latesh, Anita Raj and Megha Pages: 195-198 | 351 Views 144 Downloads | India |
2 | Importance of antioxidant in our life Das Arti Rani and Dubey Ritu Pages: 199-202 | 460 Views 248 Downloads | India |
3 | Future prospects in fashion design Dr. Amrita Rajput Pages: 203-205 | 640 Views 417 Downloads | India |
4 | A survey study on the impact of junk foods on health of human beings Tanu Rani Pages: 206-208 | 594 Views 380 Downloads | India |
5 | Can media violence influence the aggressive behavior in children? A review paper Dr. Asha Kumari Prasad Pages: 209-214 | 886 Views 660 Downloads | India |
6 | Causes for the falling standards of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Ghana Courage Mawuli Komla Otchi Pages: 215-219 | 1293 Views 981 Downloads | Ghana |
7 | Health status of rag pickers, factory workers and domestic workers in relation to their family environment Dr. Nasreen Gazdar and Dr. Nazneen Gazdar Pages: 220-223 | 570 Views 344 Downloads | India |
8 | Mother’s perception on behavior of their school going children Dr. Nazneen Gazdar and Dr. Nasreen Gazdar Pages: 224-227 | 481 Views 270 Downloads | India |
9 | Temples as institutions of environmental ecology: A pathway to sustainable coexistence Dr. Vinita Koka Pages: 228-229 | 734 Views 521 Downloads | India |
10 | Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in rural areas Komal Shukla and Dr. Sangeeta Gupta Pages: 230-233 | 1037 Views 821 Downloads | India |