S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Biomechanical factors contributing while effective shooting in basketball Twinkle and Dr. Manju Mehta Pages: 110-112 | 937 Views 681 Downloads | India |
2 | Privileges, legal and constitutional rights of every Indian woman Twinkle, Santosh Kumari and Dr. Kiran Singh Pages: 113-115 | 640 Views 141 Downloads | India |
3 | Pigments in mint leaves and stems Monika Singh, Dr. Virginia Paul, Dr. Ritu Prakash Dubey and Supriya Yadav Pages: 116-117 | 918 Views 559 Downloads | India |
4 | Lactating mother: Mapping nutrient intake Dr. Kalpana Rani Pages: 118-120 | 622 Views 248 Downloads | India |
5 | Alcohol: Pattern and initiation reasons Priyanka Shukla and Dr. Indu Bansal Pages: 121-125 | 521 Views 182 Downloads | India |
6 | Status of transgender in India: A review Pinki, Poonam Malik, Krishna Duhan and N Pavithra Pages: 126-131 | 3167 Views 2775 Downloads | India |
7 | Occupational stress among professors of state universities: A review Pinki and Krishna Duhan Pages: 132-135 | 778 Views 135 Downloads | India |
8 | Comparative study of nutrition status of working and Non-Working pregnant women in Bhandara District Dr. Kalpana A Shinde Pages: 136-141 | 832 Views 572 Downloads | India |
9 | lEkfUor cky fodkl ;kstukvksa dk xzkeh.k efykvksa ds LokLF;,oa iksâ€k.k ij izHkko रेनू शà¥à¤•à¥à¤²à¤¾ à¤à¤µà¤‚ नीलमा कà¥à¤à¤µà¤° Pages: 142-143 | 528 Views 133 Downloads | India |
10 | efgykvksa ds LokLF; Lrj dks lqn` रेनू शà¥à¤•à¥à¤²à¤¾ à¤à¤µà¤‚ नीलमा कà¥à¤à¤µà¤° Pages: 144-146 | 425 Views 158 Downloads | India |