S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Celiac disease and gluten-free products Singh Itisha and Dr. Verma Anisha Pages: 194-196 | 367 Views 143 Downloads | India |
2 | Review on feeding of pre mature baby Singh Itisha, Dr. Verma Anisha and Dr. Masih Shalini Pages: 197-200 | 404 Views 89 Downloads | India |
3 | Digera muricata (Kondhra) leaves incorporated as a healthy and nutritional traditional product soup Sonal and Dr. Nutan Pages: 201-206 | 525 Views 300 Downloads | India |
4 | Study for work and workstation design of comfortable office Renu and Dr. Promilakrishna Chahal Pages: 207-209 | 544 Views 265 Downloads | India |
5 | Requirements of the nutrition during weaning food Requirements of the nutrition during weaning food Pages: 210-213 | 478 Views 257 Downloads | India |
6 | Nutritional and medicinal values of selected underutilized green leafy vegetables for nutritional security Payal Kanwar, Dr. Kamini Jain and Dr. Renu Verma Pages: 214-216 | 568 Views 322 Downloads | India |
7 | An introduction to sustainable finishing techniques of textiles Garima Anand and Dr. Ananya Mitra Pramanik Pages: 217-220 | 1170 Views 979 Downloads | India |
8 | Domestic violence in COVID-19 pandemic situation: A study of population in western Odisha C Naik and BK Mishra Pages: 221-223 | 431 Views 210 Downloads | India |
9 | Problems related to water and electric supply in housing at present time in rural areas of munge Dr. Suman Lata Pages: 224-228 | 451 Views 100 Downloads | India |
10 | Women empowerment through income generation activity by adaptation of traditional Phulkari Sunanda and Savita Sangwan Pages: 229-231 | 368 Views 178 Downloads | India |