S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Working condition of female domestic worker at workplace Harshita Bisht, Suman Singh and Hemu Rathor Pages: 266-269 | 1387 Views 352 Downloads | India |
2 | Biotechnology: A review on it's role in textile applications Sonu Rani Pages: 270-274 | 993 Views 392 Downloads | India |
3 | Women entrepreneurs and profitability in garment units Dr. Seema Pages: 275-276 | 1037 Views 137 Downloads | India |
4 | Standardization and formulation of gluten free biscuit using rice as base ingredient suitable for celiac disease Mousumi Gogoi and Dr. Mridula Saikia Barooah Pages: 277-281 | 834 Views 245 Downloads | India |
5 | Development of tool to assess the knowledge about home management Harshita Bisht, Suman Singh and Hemu Rathor Pages: 282-284 | 603 Views 185 Downloads | India |
6 | Food pattern and their effect on health of old peoples Deeksha Saraswat and Dr. Nishma Singh Pages: 285-291 | 445 Views 208 Downloads | India |
7 | Complementary feeding practises among tea garden workers of Nahortoli and Dikom tea estate of Dibrugarh district, Assam Manisha Dutta and Mousumi Gogoi Pages: 292-295 | 939 Views 277 Downloads | India |
8 | Right and modern methods of cooking to safeguard nutrients Rajni Sahi, Neelma Kunwar and Tripti Singh Pages: 296-298 | 805 Views 147 Downloads | India |
9 | Indian Saree: A paradigm of global fashion influence Koshalpreet Kaur and Anjali Agrawal Pages: 299-306 | 5766 Views 5333 Downloads | India |
10 | An exploratory study of happiness in relation to loneliness of adolescents Kavita Kumari and Krishna Duhan Pages: 307-309 | 756 Views 178 Downloads | India |
11 | à¤à¤¾à¤°à¤¤ में हरिजन और दलित बचà¥à¤šà¥‹à¤‚ में कà¥à¤ªà¥‹à¤·à¤£ डॉ चनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¤¾ करà¥à¤£ Pages: 310-312 | 552 Views 111 Downloads | India |