International Journal of Home Science
2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 1, PART D
Extraction of bast fibres from odal (Sterculia villosa) and evaluation of Physical characteristics
Author(s): Dibyashree Saikia, Dr. Binita Baishya Kalita and Dr. Nabaneeta Gogoi
Natural fibres have attracted the interest recently due to their abundance in nature, low cost and biodegradability. Odal (Sterculia villosa), one of the most important plant which could be utilized for extraction of fiber. Odal is one of the fast-growing plant species abundantly available in the North Eastern Region of India. This study was attempted to extract the fibres from Odal bark and to evaluate the physical properties of the fibres accordingly. Extraction of Odal fibre was carried out by decortications process. Later fibres were subjected to water retting with various time intervals. The yield of fibre after twenty one days was found highest as 2.8% with good fibre quality whereas, the lowest 2.0% was recorded in seven days of retting. The highest length of fibre was recorded in retted Odal fibre as 2.31mm. The maximum wall thickness and diameter was recorded in retted Odal fibre as 1.46 mm and 5µm respectively. The maximum tensile strength (2.92 g/tex) was observed in retted Odal fibre and the least was noticed in bleached Odal fibre (1.48 g/tex). Retted Odal fibre had showed highest elongation (2.22 %). Bleached Odal fibre posed highest density (1.40gm/cc).
How to cite this article:
Dibyashree Saikia, Dr. Binita Baishya Kalita, Dr. Nabaneeta Gogoi. Extraction of bast fibres from odal (Sterculia villosa) and evaluation of Physical characteristics. Int J Home Sci 2021;7(1):255-260.