S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Personality profiles of adolescents with respect to age, gender, family types & location Maurya P, Kumari M and Dubey S Pages: 206-211 | 1138 Views 594 Downloads | India |
2 | Impact of gender on adjustment pattern of college going students Kumari Laxmi, Dubey Seema And Kumari Mamta Pages: 212-216 | 791 Views 609 Downloads | India |
3 | A traverse of fancy yarns in contriving fashion products Abir Saiyed and Dr. Madhu Sharan Pages: 217-219 | 1076 Views 354 Downloads | India |
4 | Consumer buying and clothing behaviour of Hindu working women of Uttar Pradesh Mansi Bansal and Dr. Sangeeta Dewan Pages: 220-232 | 1403 Views 732 Downloads | India |
5 | Effect of gender on nutritional status of pre school children Dr. Surekha S Bhale Pages: 233-235 | 1306 Views 245 Downloads | India |
6 | Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in Nellore district Dr. C Kalapriya Pages: 236-238 | 665 Views 294 Downloads | India |
7 | Ayurveda – A healing approach towards the disease psoriasis by using textile product Ankita Singh Rao Pages: 239-241 | 777 Views 159 Downloads | India |
8 | Affect of child factors on the sibling relationship of normal child with mentally challenged sibling Arogyaasha A Shali and Dr. Manjula Patil Pages: 242-246 | 921 Views 256 Downloads | India |
9 | Influence of familial factors on sibling relationship of normal children with mentally challenged children Arogyaasha A Shali and Manjula Patil Pages: 247-250 | 1626 Views 213 Downloads | India |
10 | Formulation of value added products by incorporating cinnamon for polycystic ovarian syndrome patients Ayushi Kumawat and Gargi Saxena Pages: 251-253 | 620 Views 160 Downloads | India |