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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART D

Influence of familial factors on sibling relationship of normal children with mentally challenged children

Author(s): Arogyaasha A Shali and Manjula Patil
Thernpresent study entitled “influence of familial factors on sibling relationshiprnof normal children with mentally challenged children” was conducted in 2015-16.rnThe population of the study comprised of 90 children from urban and rural areasrnof selected districts of Northern Karnataka and special schools for mentallyrnretarded located in Hubblli-Dharwad city. Sibling relationship Questionnairern(SRQ) (Furman Buhrmester, 1990) was used to assess the typical sibling’srnperceptions of the relationship and behaviors towards their sibling withrnparental factor. Socio –Economic Status Scale (Aggarwal et al., 2005)rnwas employed to assess the socio economic level of family. Resultsrnreveled that majority of the children from joint family were in moderate levelrnof sibling relationship and the children from nuclear family were in moderaternand low level of sibling relationship. Among rural children belongs to smallrnsize family all them were in moderate level of sibling relationship andrnchildren from medium and large size family majority of children were inrnmoderate level of sibling relation followed by low level of sibling relation.rnChildren from poor family all of them had moderate level of sibling relationrnand children from high socio-economic level had moderate and low siblingrnrelation which calls for educational programmes for parents and siblings tornpromote healthy sibling relationship among children.
Pages: 247-250  |  1625 Views  213 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Arogyaasha A Shali, Manjula Patil. Influence of familial factors on sibling relationship of normal children with mentally challenged children. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(2):247-250.

International Journal of Home Science
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