S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | A comparative study of child abuse in educational institutions of India and China Leena Pages: 01-06 | 860 Views 151 Downloads | India |
2 | The status, roles and challenges of teaching English language in Ethiopia context: the case of selected primary and secondary schools in Hawassa University technology village area Mebratu Mulatu Bachore Pages: 07-11 | 932 Views 332 Downloads | Ethiopia |
3 | Antibacterial activity of prepared Aloe vera based herbal wines against common food-borne pathogens and probiotic strains Neetika Trivedi, Praveen Rishi, Sanjeev Kumar Soni Pages: 12-20 | 987 Views 431 Downloads | India |
4 | Analysis and comparison of attitude of adolescents studying in cities and school-dropout adolescents living in slum areas Shruti Marwaha Pages: 21-25 | 1546 Views 966 Downloads | India |
5 | Analysis of emotional quotient and intelligence quotient among ‘High Achievers’ and ‘Low Performers’ in school academics Shruti Marwaha Pages: 26-31 | 1529 Views 922 Downloads | India |
6 | Changing context of teacher education in the global scenario Deba Prasad Sahu Pages: 32-34 | 1499 Views 1140 Downloads | India |
7 | Assessment of Training Needs Of Women of Self Help Groups of Udaipur District Simple Jain Pages: 35-38 | 676 Views 230 Downloads | India |
8 | Fruits and Vegetables Preservation: A Way to Economic Empowerment of Rural Women Anuprita Purohit, Simple Jain, Asha Godawat Pages: 39-43 | 1124 Views 225 Downloads | India |
9 | Professional competences of Youngers for globalized Economics Vera A Gnevasheva Pages: 44-46 | 1406 Views 216 Downloads | Russia |
10 | Analysis of the extent of relation between internet addiction, anxiety and eating attitude among children Shruti Marwaha Pages: 47-52 | 994 Views 297 Downloads | India |
11 | Development and evaluation of ‘Snacks’ from new varieties of Mung bean pulse Disha Bindra Pages: 53-56 | 1043 Views 365 Downloads | India |
12 | A study on childhood obesity and its dietary management Dr. Neeta Varshney Pages: 57-61 | 415 Views 180 Downloads | India |