International Journal of Home Science
2015, VOL. 1 ISSUE 2, PART A
Professional competences of Youngers for globalized Economics
Author(s): Vera A Gnevasheva
Globalization has contributed to the transformation of the entire system of international economic relations, impacted significantly on the formation of labor relations within the world economy. Modern socio-economic changes in society are seen as moving from ‘material’ to ‘intellectual’ economy or the ‘knowledge-based economy’. New society is to actively use the professional education in their labor force forming. Access to and use of this good in the labor force forming largely determine the State strategy for the development of professional education in order to contribute to achieving the necessary level of professional skills of the labor force, on the other hand, the strategy of State regulation of the labor market, including through the mechanisms of reducing labor market structural disbalances; improving of the labor force quality; achieving equilibrium in the labor market through the formation of professional competences due to the needs of employers in the circumstances of intensification of migration flows, as well as the increasing influence of the intercountry integration and globalization. Because of the time lag between the processes of professional training of the potential employees and the demand for professionals from potential employers, the problem of structural unemployment is even more acute, there is overproduction of the specialists, unclaimed in the labour market. The unemployment is increasing and what is strategically more important - youth unemployment with higher professional education. All this determines the need for the systematic investigation of the motivation of Youngers in the process of formation of their professional competences, their professional orientation in the modern socio-economic conditions of the intercountry integration and globalization, their expectations of professional competencies. All this is extremely important in order to identify trends in the socio-economic behavior of young people in the process of their professional development which are to be systematically compounded in the model of the development of the youth segment of the labor market in the context of the intercountry integration and globalization.
How to cite this article:
Vera A Gnevasheva. Professional competences of Youngers for globalized Economics. Int J Home Sci 2015;1(2):44-46.