2023, VOL. 9 ISSUE 1, PART C
Home technology education program among state universities and colleges (SUCS) in region III, Philippines
Author(s): Blessie U Lorenzo
Evaluation is the systematic identification of the effects – positive or negative, intended or not – on individual households, institutions, and the environment caused by a given development activity such as program or project. Evaluation helps better understand the extent to which activities reach the poor and the magnitude of their effects on people’s welfare. This study evaluated the Home Technology Education Program Among State Universities and Colleges in Region III, Philippines in terms of curriculum, resources, outcomes, students and problems encountered in the program. The questionnaire was the main instrument in gathering the data. The respondents were the Home Technology Teachers, Deans or Heads of the Home Technology Education program, fourth year students and school librarians. Results of the study show that there are only four SUCs in Region III offering Home Technology program with different titles; they were accredited by the AACUP; and they complied with the standard number of units in the general education, professional education and specialization courses. Majority of the Home Technology teachers were Master’s Degree Holders with an academic rank of associate professor and with appropriate eligibilities. They have attended trainings and seminars in different levels and they commonly used laboratory and demonstration methods in teaching. They also conducted research and extension activities relevant to the program. Most of the facilities and equipment were available and functional but outmoded and inadequate; they complied with the number of book titles in general education, professional education and specialization courses. Home Technology students participated in various competitions and received awards up to the regional level. Varied and relevant activities were also provided to them. Results implies that Home Technology Education program still exists among SUCs in Region III despite of the proliferation of contemporary and more enticing allied courses.
How to cite this article:
Blessie U Lorenzo. Home technology education program among state universities and colleges (SUCS) in region III, Philippines. Int J Home Sci 2023;9(1):191-199.