2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 3, PART A
A study on awareness of teachers towards right of children to free and compulsory education Act-2009 in tribal areas of Odisha
Author(s): Dolagobinda Sahoo and Sudarshan Mishra
The RTE Act, 2009 is a detailed and comprehensive piece of legislation which includes provision related to schools, teachers, curriculum, evaluation, access and specific division of duties and responsibilities of different stakeholders. The present study has been undertaken to analyse the awareness about Right to Education Act among teachers of tribal areas of Odisha. In this study, the investigator used a survey method by which Kandhamal District in Odisha was taken as a population. Out of 12 blocks in Kandhamal District, 04 blocks were selected randomly. From each blocks 10 elementary schools were selected. 220 teachers were involved in this study. Self developed Awareness test for teachers was used for the collection of data. Data were analyzed with the help of statistical techniques like Mean, SD, t-test and f-test. The result of the study showed that, there is no significant difference in awareness of elementary school teachers towards RTE Act, 2009 with respect to their Gender, Qualification and Professional training but it is found that Significant difference exists among the awareness of elementary school teachers towards implementation of RTE Act, 2009 with respect to their ranks.
How to cite this article:
Dolagobinda Sahoo, Sudarshan Mishra. A study on awareness of teachers towards right of children to free and compulsory education Act-2009 in tribal areas of Odisha. Int J Home Sci 2021;7(3):18-22.