International Journal of Home Science
2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 1, PART C
Relationship between parental separation and academic performance of the adolescents
Author(s): Singh Rubi and Mishra Sunita
This period of development corresponds roughly to the period the ages of 13 to 19 years. Academic performance and achievement owe much to the parental contributions. College achievement is related with nature parent-adolescent relationship, parental attitude towards education, their expectation about achievement, interest and involvement in their adolescent's college performance. The present study conducted Lucknow city U.P. Random sample technique. Approximately a sample of 100 Adolescents was selected. Researcher used standardized scale (Psychological well-being scale) and self-structured questionnaire. These results indicate that there is negative correlation between educational status and psychological wellbeing. It means that when educational status increases psychological wellbeing decrease. As the r value is negative and p>0.05 thus the null hypothesis is accepted.
How to cite this article:
Singh Rubi, Mishra Sunita. Relationship between parental separation and academic performance of the adolescents. Int J Home Sci 2021;7(1):144-146.