International Journal of Home Science
2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 3, PART C
Co-ordination and time management of working Women in the society
Author(s): Dr. Deepa Kumari
Nowadays working women find themselves at crossroads with work and home and a multiple of things in between ranging from being a mother, an entrepreneur, or a leader. Adapting to a new routine has pushed them out of their comfort zones leading to higher stress levels. In simpler terms, women during work at home as well as in offices faces tougher challenges and are trying to be the best at both fronts. This may sound extremely difficult, yet it’s actually happening. And they are executing both their job roles with utmost sincerity, dedication and zeal maintaining a perfect blend of work and life. So the challenges faced by working women are endless and arguably, she has more responsibilities to handle other than domestic chores.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Deepa Kumari. Co-ordination and time management of working Women in the society. Int J Home Sci 2020;6(3):125-126.