2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 3, PART A
Abstract:Objective: To study the dietary and physical activity behavior among affluent adolescents residing in urban city.
Methods: Dietary and physical activity behavior of 155 affluent adolescents (11-14 years old) were assessed using questionnaire and 24 hour recall methods. Height and weight of the subjects were measured for BMI assessment. After suitably coding the data means, frequency charts, mean percent adequacy intakes of various food groups and nutrients as well as physical activity pattern were assessed.
Results: Skipping of meals, snacking, increased popularity of fast foods and decreased physical activity were common behavior observed among adolescents. The percent adequacy intake (n=50) of food groups was when compared to suggested intakes by ICMR 1989 was low for cereals (80%), pulses (69%), vegetables (52%) and fruits (71%), was adequate for milk and milk products (108%) and was high for sugar (168%) and visible fat/oils (163%). The percent adequacy intake of nutrient when compared to RDA ICMR 1989 was low for energy (87%), protein (78%), iron (73%), intake was adequate for calcium (110%), vitamin A (116%). According to BMI 7% adolescents were overweight, 48% underweight and 45% normal. On an average an adolescent spends 20-22 hours doing sedentary activity and only an hour is spent on moderate activity which further declines as age increases.
Conclusion: Inadequate eating behavior and inadequate physical activity among adolescent’s calls for need to develop an intervention programmed for promoting healthy eating, active living and positive body image as part of their life.