2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 1, PART F
Abstract:The study was conducted on 80 mentally retarded children (boys as well as girls, especially with mental retardation along with Autism and/or ADHD, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome etc.) between ages 6-14 year with an objective to track the various reasons behind mental retardation. All the children studied were going to special schools indicating their lower IQs (less than 70). The data was collected with the help of a questionnaire formed. The information was collected from the mothers or caretakers of the children included; after signing the consent letter. The questionnaire consisted of questions related to the background data such as child’s age, name, gender, diagnosis, parental age, parents’ educational as well as economical status, addiction in family, mother’s health and environmental conditions during pregnancy etc, it also consisted of the food habits and three day diet recall of the child. The collected data was coded and then analysed using SPSS package. Various results were obtained such as iron deficiency and malnourishment in the children studied, near significant difference between addiction in family and child being mentally retarded etc. But, significant results were observed in case of advanced parental age and child being mentally retarded having p values less than 0.05 supporting the effect of advanced parental age on the birth of the child with mental retardation.
As the study was related to mentally retarded children, this study has gone through ETHICAL Clearance.