International Journal of Home Science
2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 3, PART C
Nutritive value and chemical attributes of Aloe vera jam
Author(s): Seema Kanojia, Amena Zaidi, Nidhi Pandey, Shilpi Gupta, Dheer Pratap, Garima Dwivedi, Anushka Singh, Akansha Nandan, Anand Singh and PK Singh
The present investigation entitled “Nutritive value and Chemical attributes of Aloe vera jam†was carried out for the Organoleptic acceptability of Aloe vera jam and to assess the chemical attributes of Aloe vera jam. A panel of judges on the basis of 9 point hedonic scale judged the sensory evaluation or the oraganoleptic qualities of four samples. The scales of different judges were complied and average score was estimated for each attributes of samples. The acceptability of Aloe vera jam was evaluated by a panel of 5 judges using 9- point hedonic Scale (Ranganna, 1986) to test the linking or disliking of jam. Semi –Trained panel did the evaluation. The panellist asked to record the level of liking or disliking by giving marks for various characteristics of the products. The samples were rated on 9 point Hedonic scale for quality attributes according to the following grade description and scoring. In order to study “Preparation and Oragnoleptic Evaluation of Aloe vera jam†a laboratory experiment was conducted and required data were collected. Analysis of Variance of these data was worked out on the basis of Factorial Completely Randomized Design (Chandel, 1995).
How to cite this article:
Seema Kanojia, Amena Zaidi, Nidhi Pandey, Shilpi Gupta, Dheer Pratap, Garima Dwivedi, Anushka Singh, Akansha Nandan, Anand Singh, PK Singh. Nutritive value and chemical attributes of Aloe vera jam. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(3):154-157.