International Journal of Home Science
2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 2, PART A
Correlation of food habits with the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents in Jorhat town, Assam
Author(s): Nimi Barooah and Mridula Saikia Barooah
The present investigation was undertaken to assess the food habits of overweight and obese adolescents of Jorhat town, Assam and thereby correlate with the prevalence of overweight and obesity. A total of 1007 high school boys and girls from seven different schools of Jorhat town constituted the basic frame of sampling, out of which 44 adolescents were screened out as overweight and obese based on their BMI. Standard techniques and pre-tested and structured schedules were used to elicit information on different parameters of food consumption behavior. Most of the overweight and obese adolescents followed a 3-4 meal pattern with majority of them (95.45%) being non-vegetarians. Significantly higher intake of cereals, fats/ oils and non-vegetarian items were reflected in their dietaries. Consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk were significantly low for both the genders, pulse consumption being significantly low for girls and nearly adequate for boys. The mean macro nutrient intakes were significantly high at 0.01 level of significance. Frequency of fast food consumption of boys was higher than the girls with not much difference in the commonly consumed food items by boys and girls. Also a positive correlation with significant association (r=0.5394) was documented between the intake of meat/fish/egg with elevated BMI of the overweight boys.
How to cite this article:
Nimi Barooah, Mridula Saikia Barooah. Correlation of food habits with the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents in Jorhat town, Assam. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(2):27-31.