International Journal of Home Science
2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 1, PART A
Intervention program to enhance intrapersonal intelligence of teachers
Author(s): Savitha L and Dr. AHM Vijayalaxmi
Intrapersonal Intelligence also known as Self Intelligence plays an important role in teaching. Teachers with high level of intrapersonal competencies, experience more satisfaction with their work and are found to be more effective in working with students. Such teachers are characterised to encourage their learners' self-awareness and autonomy. They create a classroom culture that is both safe and inviting and are able to effectively manage their classrooms. As a result they foster a deep sense of stability which promotes greater student learning. However many teachers are not trained in this aspect. Hence it becomes imperative to nurture intrapersonal intelligence skills among teachers. Hence present study was envisaged to impart intrapersonal intervention program among the teachers. Experimental research design was used in the present study. BarOn’s emotional quotient inventory (1999) was administered to both the experimental (N=45) and control group (N=45) respondents before and after the intervention program. The results of the study revealed that there is a strongly significant difference in the pre test and post test scores within the experimental group respondents in overall intrapersonal intelligence and all the dimensions. Strongly significant difference was observed between the experimental and control group respondents in the post test scores of overall intrapersonal intelligence, emotional self awareness, assertiveness, self actualization and independent dimensions.
How to cite this article:
Savitha L, Dr. AHM Vijayalaxmi. Intervention program to enhance intrapersonal intelligence of teachers. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(1):09-12.