2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 1, PART A
Effects of sugar and processed food on school-aged-children’s lunch-box
Author(s): Deepa Kumari
As a result of increased technology after the Industrial Revolution, food production became processed and mass-produced. Processing the food takes away many of the valuable vitamins and minerals, resulting in food that is available to the masses, but lacking in nutrition. Food makers began adding sugar and fat to the food to make it taste better. Also, in today’s world, we demand fast food to fit our fast-paced lifestyle. Although such food is convenient, inexpensive, and accessible, it is not healthy for children. The diet of a school-age child directly impacts their future health, including increased obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It has been shown that an estimated 80 percent of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by a change of diet and exercise (Pollan, 2008). In addition, a link between diet quality and academic performance has been established. Florence, Asbridge, and Veugelers (2008) found that children with overall better quality diets tend to have better cognitive function and academic performance. Now is the time to give our country’s children a healthier future.
How to cite this article:
Deepa Kumari. Effects of sugar and processed food on school-aged-children’s lunch-box. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(1):48-50.