International Journal of Home Science
2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART L
Marketing pattern of Power loom shawl weaving units in Ludhiana
Author(s): Omika Sharma and Vandana Gondotra
In India shawls are woven in variety of fibres and designs. Every state has its own specialty and uniqueness of motifs. Punjab produces a good variety of plain and fancy shawls and Ludhiana has maximum number of units. Thus the present investigation was carried out in Ludhiana city. An interview schedule was formulated to collect the required information from the power loom shawl weaving units regarding the infrastructure of the units. Data were collected with the help of pre structured interview schedule from 60 randomly selected power loom shawl weaving units. The results of the study revealed that majority of respondents, i.e. 80.00 percent of the units were selling their products in the local market, 51.67 percent units were selling their products within the country and only 16.67 percent units were selling their products outside the country. Twenty five percent units had minimum annual sale up to ` 50 lakhs. About 47 percent respondents calculated the cost of shawls on the basis of raw material consumed which came out between 60 to 80 percent whereas 50.00 percent calculated the cost of on the basis of labour consumed which came out between 16 to 18 percent, 43.33 percent calculated the cost of shawls on the basis of miscellaneous expenses which came out between 10 to 15 percent. Majority of respondents faced the problem of shortage of skilled labour (weighted mean score 2.83), high price of raw material (weighted mean score 3.68), low profit margins (weighted mean score 6.50), lack of proper infrastructure (weighted mean score 4.50), lack of power supply (weighted mean score 1.83) and maintenance problem of looms (weighted mean score 1.16).
How to cite this article:
Omika Sharma, Vandana Gondotra. Marketing pattern of Power loom shawl weaving units in Ludhiana. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(2):779-782.