International Journal of Home Science
2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART K
Designing apparel inspired from adivasis costumes of Goa – A step towards sustainability
Author(s): Dr. Madhu Sharan, Frezal Fernandes and Mitali Shah
Adivasis have their own culture and tradition which they preserved very well till sometime back. With the modernisation for their existence, the adivasis have moved forward and adopted some customs and fashion of today. This transition has become a threat for the traditional costumes. Keeping this in view, the present study was undertaken to bring the costumes of the adivasis tribe of Goa into the main stream market. For this apparels were designed with features of adivasi traditional costumes. Even for the material selection the traditional textile i.e. traditional saree, was used and common colour of red, green and white were used. The apparels thus designed were in two categories viz i) women and ii) men. Three garments were designed in each category and the preference of consumer for acceptance was taken. The results revealed that such type of work will help for the sustainability of traditional costumes.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Madhu Sharan, Frezal Fernandes, Mitali Shah. Designing apparel inspired from adivasis costumes of Goa – A step towards sustainability. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(2):675-678.