International Journal of Home Science
2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART J
Knowledge of national rural livelihood mission among rural women of Udaipur district
Author(s): Priyanka Diwan, Rajshree Upadhyay and Snehlata Maheshwari
The objectives of the present study was to find out the knowledge of the rural women about National Rural Livelihoods Mission The present study was conducted in purposively selected Sarada Panchayat Samiti of Udaipur district. A total sample of 100 women was randomly selected. Interview technique was used for collecting data, with the help of developed interview schedule. It was found that, half of respondents (52%) had average knowledge, while rest the respondents (48%) were in good knowledge about different aspects of NRLM.
How to cite this article:
Priyanka Diwan, Rajshree Upadhyay, Snehlata Maheshwari. Knowledge of national rural livelihood mission among rural women of Udaipur district. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(2):631-634.