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International Journal of Home Science

2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 3, PART F

Development of papaya powder fortified weaning food

Author(s): Deepa Verma, Aruna Palta and Santosh
The efforts were made to incorporate the nutritional value of papaya in Fortified semolina kheer and in besan halwa prepared as value added product. Mature green papaya powder (MGPP) as developed with a special process by the late researcher Dr. Kurt Koesel of Hawalli Contains an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. MGPP contains more vitamin A and vitamin C compare to carrots and oranges respectively along with excellent source of papain which is helpful in digestive disorder and extremely useful for any disturbances of the GIT. Also useful in preparation of geratic nutritional diet as well as for weaning food because of its easy digestibility. 
Dried fruit powders are frequently used in nutritional supplements. Papaya fruit powder may be used as a high-density vitamin supplement for fortification of household recipes to overcome vitamin A deficiency diseases in infants and pre-school children. Best way of papaya powder fortification appears to be in fat-rich foods like ladoos, semolina pudding, porridge, muesli etc. A fortified weaning food semolina kheer was prepared by 10%, 20% and 30% replacement of papaya powder 20% incorporation of oven dried papaya powder obtained maximum score showed quality acceptability for fortified semolina kheer. Due to availability of proteolytic enzyme in papaya powder is helpful for better digestibility. rnIn this study two weaning food recipes were developed by fortification of papaya powder. In the first preparation fortified besan halwa was taken in which chick flour was replaced by papaya powder @ 10, 20 and 30% respectively. In another preparation fortified semolina kheer prepared by replacing semolina by papaya powder @ 10, 20 and 30%, respectively. Both recipes were analyzed by organoleptic evaluation using 9 point hedonic rating scale (Amerine et al., 1965). 
The final outcome of the research emphasis the best combination of papaya powder with semolina kheer and besan halwa strongly supported on the basis of the scores of appearance, taste, flavor, colour, texture and overall acceptability of fortified papaya for semolina kheer of treatment-2 (20% papaya powder) were 7.0, 6.8, 7.0, 7.0, 7.2 and 7.0 respectively for semolina kheer and for besan halwa treatment-3 (30% papaya powder) were 7.2, 7.8, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2 and 7.3. At the same time, this will not only result in providing nutritious products at reasonable price to the consumers but also add an efficient utilization of papaya powder.
Pages: 324-328  |  754 Views  398 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Deepa Verma, Aruna Palta, Santosh. Development of papaya powder fortified weaning food. Int J Home Sci 2016;2(3):324-328.

International Journal of Home Science
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