2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 2, PART E
Decision making pattern of scheduled caste women to take cutting and tailoring as an enterprise
Author(s): Kiran Bala and Vinita Jain
The ScheduledrnCastes comprise about 16.6 percent of India’s population (accordingrnto the 2011 census). The total population in Haryana of Schedule caste isrn40.91 lakhs consisting 19.35% of the state population about 78% of the schedulerncaste population live in rural areas. Therefore, the present study was plannedrnwith the following objectives: to assess the impact of trainings imparted byrnKVK, Sadalpur on scheduled caste women, to study the decision-making pattern ofrnscheduled caste women to start cutting and tailoring as an enterprise and tornanalyze the constraints perceived by scheduled caste women to start cutting andrntailoring as an enterprise. Sufficient gain in knowledge regarding cutting andrntailoring was recorded for sub-components viz, Designing, cutting, stitching,rnsurface enrichment, machine care and operation, entrepreneurial education andrnprecautions. Computed‘t’ values were significant at 5 per cent level ofrnsignificance. Thus, it can be inferred that women succeeded in acquiringrnknowledge after exposure to training on cutting and tailoring. Sufficientrnchange in attitude cutting and tailoring was recorded in all three trainingrngroups which was statistically significant at 5 per cent level of significance.rnMost of the respondents (68.89%) had acquired high level skill after exposurernto training. Most of the respondents (42.50%) had medium symbolic adoptionrncutting and tailoring. Most of the respondents perceived lack of time inrnsocial-personal constraints was ranked 1st. In technicalrnconstraints, lack of technical know-how was ranked 1st. In economicrnconstraints lack of money was ranked 1st. In marketing constraints,rnwomen were not allowed to go to market was ranked 1st.
How to cite this article:
Kiran Bala, Vinita Jain. Decision making pattern of scheduled caste women to take cutting and tailoring as an enterprise. Int J Home Sci 2016;2(2):271-276.