International Journal of Home Science
2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 2, PART D
Fathering preschoolers and adolescents: A comparative analysis of father-child relationship
Author(s): Dr. Sarika Manhas, Pooja Devi
Parent-child relationship is the most unique and strongest of all the human relationship. Children require the care and involvement of both the mothers as well as the fathers in order to develop a wholistic personality. The present research assesses the role of fathers in the parenting process. The father-child relationship is also analyzed according the age of the children. A comparative analysis of father-preschooler and father-adolescent relationship was carried out. The total sample for the present study consisted of 100 fathers, out of these 50 fathers were those who had at least one preschooler and rest 50 fathers were those who had at least one adolescent child. The entire sample was selected through random sampling technique. A standardized Parent Child Relationship questionnaire was used for data collection. The results reveal that most fathers shared average to below average attachment, average discipline practices and relation frustration, average to below average involvement, average parenting confidence with reference to their children. The sample fathers scored moderate or average score on most dimensions of parent-child relationship, indicating that the relationship was reasonably stable and regular in quality. Statistically significant differences were noted in parenting of fathers of preschoolers and fathers of adolescents on four dimensions namely, attachment, involvement, parenting confidence and relation frustration. The results highlight that the age of children in one determining factor affecting the father-child relationship.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sarika Manhas, Pooja Devi. Fathering preschoolers and adolescents: A comparative analysis of father-child relationship. Int J Home Sci 2016;2(2):208-212.