International Journal of Home Science
2016, VOL. 2 ISSUE 2, PART A
Relation analysis of socio-personal variables and use of teaching aids by Anganwadi workers
Author(s): Manjusha Kharole
Child welfare means ‘conditions of living in which children fare well.’ Anganwadis are entitled with this job. The Anganwadis carry out six major functions viz. early childhood care and non-formal pre-school education, health checkup, immunization, supplementary nutrition, medical referral services, growth monitoring and promotion, nutrition and health education. Imparting early childhood education with the use of teaching aids is one of them. The non-formal education of children becomes effective when teaching aids are used to teach them. It was therefore imperative to understand the relationship between the personal profile of the Anganwadi worker and use of teaching aids. When use of teaching aids was correlated with personal profile of the Anganwadi worker it was found that age and education were strongly and positively correlated with use of teaching aids.
How to cite this article:
Manjusha Kharole . Relation analysis of socio-personal variables and use of teaching aids by Anganwadi workers. Int J Home Sci 2016;2(2):37-38.