S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | मध्य आयु वर्ग के किशोरों के व्यक्तित्व पर पालन-पोषण शैलियों से संबंधित साहित्य की समीक्षा सुश्री सोनम कालरा, डॉ. अर्पिता जैन Pages: 80-86 | 61 Views 26 Downloads | India |
2 | The impact of millet-based nutritional therapies on pre and post-nutritional status in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy Swati Sharma and Rekha Shrivastava Pages: 87-101 | 34 Views 23 Downloads | India |
3 | Preserving Jaipur’s treasured traditions: An in-depth exploration of local crafts heritage Kirti, Prabhdip Brar and Rahul Kumar Singh Pages: 102-114 | 38 Views 33 Downloads | India |
4 | Quality of life among rural women during menopause Shweta Naik Pages: 115-120 | 26 Views 14 Downloads | India |
5 | Sustainable practice of Kawandi: Revival through design intervention Arundhati Singh Pages: 121-124 | 55 Views 22 Downloads | India |
6 | Women on the frontlines: The impact of climate change on millet farming and gendered vulnerabilities Ritu Pradhan and Anupreet Kaur Sobti Pages: 125-129 | 44 Views 18 Downloads | India |
7 | Adapting traditional artisans: Revive jajam motifs in contemporary design Anjali Singh and Durgesh Mishra Pages: 130-134 | 114 Views 29 Downloads | India |
8 | Study on the awareness about the Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetic mellitus among the adult population of age group 25-50 years old in Nagpur City Durgesh Wasnik and Rakshanda Mariyam Aaqil Jameel Pages: 135-141 | 44 Views 21 Downloads | India |
9 | Influence of physical facilities available on performance of micro and small garment enterprises in Ghana Bridgette Aidoo-Taylor, Dr. Rose Otieno, Dr. Lydia Kinuthia and Dr. Veronica Njonde Pages: 142-147 | 17 Views 16 Downloads | Ghana |
10 | Strengthening the role of Anganwadi’s: Building a conducive ecosystem in alignment with NEP 2020 More Srividya and Chandrashekar Gawali Pages: 148-151 | 50 Views 44 Downloads | India |