2024, VOL. 10 ISSUE 3, PART H
Development and sensory evaluation of food products prepared from wheatgrass
Author(s): Sushma Kumari and Shakuntala Kumari
Shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. (Hindi Name-Gehun, Kanak, Sanskrit name-Godhuma) is called as a wheatgrass, belonging to family: Gramineae. This Project report is aimed for Developing Nutritionally Valuable Products with Wheatgrass to common products enhancing their Acceptibility. Wheatgrass has becalmed one of the leading sources of Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus & Potassium. The Present study was carried out with the objectives i) To develop acceptable product from wheatgrass. ii) To find out the nutritive value of food product prepared by wheatgrass. iii) To assess the organoleptic evaluation of product prepared by wheatgrass. Different Products were developed with wheatgrass. Five recopies namely Idli, Soup, Chutney, Nimki and Cookies were prepared. The sensory evaluation was carried out by Five judges by using 9 point hedonic scale assigning scores 9 (like extremely) to 1 (dislike extremely). Acceptability was also evaluated with respect to Colour, Texture, Flavor, Taste and overall acceptibility. The judges were mainly asked to indicate the presence or absence of wheatgrass aroma in these selected formulated recipes. After that data was compiled and analyzed statistically. The Colour, Texture and Flavor of Idli and cookies were liked very much. Taste and overall acceptability of all the products were liked very much except nimki. On applying of ANOVA test Non-significant difference was found regarding Colour, Texture, Taste, and Flavor and over all acceptability between all five recepies prepared from wheatgrass. Protein, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium content was high in Idli, Nimki was rich in carbohydrates, fat & Phosphorus, Vitamin C was high in soup. All the products prepared from wheatgrass contain acceptable nutrients.
How to cite this article:
Sushma Kumari, Shakuntala Kumari. Development and sensory evaluation of food products prepared from wheatgrass. Int J Home Sci 2024;10(3):518-521.