S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Review on advances in gluten free diet for celiac disease patient Ramya A and Dhanushya P Pages: 511-513 | 53 Views 34 Downloads | India |
2 | Nutritional evaluation and sensory characteristics of value added food products developed from dehydrated beet leaves Jaya Sinha and Shakuntala Kumari Pages: 514-517 | 46 Views 31 Downloads | India |
3 | Development and sensory evaluation of food products prepared from wheatgrass Sushma Kumari and Shakuntala Kumari Pages: 518-521 | 50 Views 31 Downloads | India |
4 | Menopause: Their related problems faced Sonam Baghel and Dr. Meenakshi Singh Pages: 522-525 | 79 Views 39 Downloads | India |
5 | Immunization in India: A systematic review of the programme Archana Yadav Pages: 526-529 | 68 Views 28 Downloads | India |
6 | Self-concept in visually impaired adolescents Priyanka Deopura Pages: 530-538 | 52 Views 23 Downloads | India |
7 | A home science approach to evaluating food safety knowledge and hygiene practices in ICDS programs Emma Van Der Vries Pages: 539-543 | 3 Views 1 Downloads | Netherlands |