2023, VOL. 9 ISSUE 2, PART B
Abstract:In this era of transition, though change is constant and one must be flexible enough to adjust with changing time still some things are constant. Such of one thing is the meals of a day: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Skipping or ignoring any of the meals has adverse effects to the human body. This study was conducted by the researcher in order to study the dietary intake of the college girls and understand their perspective towards the most preferred meal of the day. The present study was conducted to learn about the socio economic information of the college going students, their dietary intake of meals and their favorite meal in a day. The study sample were 40 college going girls selected from a girls’ college in Mirza, District Kamrup of state Assam. The study gave brief information on the importance of the three meals in a day and also attempted to draw a relation between the meals and the health of college going students. Results revealed that dinner is the favorite meal for the college going girls and is rarely skipped whereas lunch is the second most preferred meal for the college girls and is skipped by a sizeable amount of respondents.