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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 3, PART C

Gender preferences of fortified aloo tikki with soybean

Author(s): Priyanka Kushwaha and Meenakshi Singh
Soybean is the richest source of protein in plant kingdom, contain all essential amino acids. It holds 12 times extra protein equaled to milk, 6 times more than rice grain, 4 times added than wheat and 2 times more compared to pulses. Provide several nutrients in good amount like fat and water soluble vitamins (A, D, B, C), minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus) and isoflavones which have phytoestrogen property prevents osteoporosis and also decrease the possibilities of cardiovascular disease and different cancers. Incorporation of nutrients or non-nutritive bioactive compounds into food products for prevention of micro and macro nutrients deficiencies and maintenance of health of population with cost-effective technique is known as food fortification. The present study is planned to estimate sensory quality and overall consumer acceptability of different blends of fortified aloo tikki with soybean by hedonic rating test. For the preparation of different blends boiled grated aloo was blended with boiled grinded soybean at 4:0, 3:1, 2:2 and 1:3 ratio (Control group-Aloo tikki made by 100% potato, Sample A-75% Potato + 25% Soybean, Sample B-50% Potato + 50% Soybean and Sample C-25% Potato + 75% Soybean). The sensory characteristics of soy-fortify aloo tikki like appearance, texture, mouth feel and overall acceptability were evaluated by 50 panelists (Male 23 and female 27) by using 9-Point hedonic rating test. The results elaborated that majority of acceptability was seen for sample B (56%-Like extremely), followed by sample A (48%-Like very much) than sample C having (32%-Like extremely). Sample C have lower consumer acceptability compared to other samples but in comparative analysis between sensory characteristics of different blends sample A contain maximum acceptability regarding appearance (64%), Sample C contain higher percentage for texture (62%) and highest mouth feel acceptability was seen for sample B (52%). On the other hand overall acceptability of samples on gender basis, variations were seen among both male and female Conclusion drawn from this study unveiled that sample B which contain equal ratio of aloo and soybean was more preferred among both sexes and preference for sensory acceptability was also similar among both sexes. But variations were seen regarding overall acceptability among male and female.
Pages: 177-181  |  502 Views  239 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Priyanka Kushwaha, Meenakshi Singh. Gender preferences of fortified aloo tikki with soybean. Int J Home Sci 2021;7(3):177-181. DOI: 10.22271/23957476.2021.v7.i3c.1203

International Journal of Home Science
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