2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 2, PART C
Abstract:“Millet” i.e. Bajra, which we mainly refer to as coarse grain, is playing an important role in Indian food today. Millet is making its place in our food lifestyle in many dimensions and in many forms. Millet is included in India from household dishes to processed food. Millet is famous as the most nutritious food grain among all the food grains because it contains high quality amino acids rich proteins. Millets are a four-season crop, cultivated globally, but after the Green Revolution, their cultivation has declined significantly due to greater emphasis on rice, wheat and maize. The primary supplier of carbohydrates on which humanity depends is lacking in the amino acids and minerals necessary for proper nutrition. Lack of nutrients in dietary lifestyle welcomes many diseases like heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Millet is unique in being rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The current global spectacle of climate change has forced us to conserve our natural resources. In this case, millets are those that are cultivated in poor soils. This review article reviews the benefits of millet in contrast to human health because certain polyphenols, such as catechins and sinapic acid, polyphenols found in millet have many lasting health benefits such as protection against arthritis, heart diseases, cancer and inflammation. Minimum water requirement for staple grains, less fertile soil, less use of pesticides and fertilizers for millet cultivation provides many beneficial benefits to our ecosystem. Including millet in a person's daily diet can help cure many health complications. (Ayele A, 2020) [1].
Mainly this study of mine is about awareness and consumption of millet among people. I have conducted this study among the girl students of Magadh Mahila College campus because only the girl students will take care of our house as housewives, hence by increasing the knowledge about millet among the girl students, the knowledge and consumption of high quality grains like millet among the people of our country can be increased by the girl students.