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International Journal of Home Science

2021, VOL. 7 ISSUE 2, PART B

Job satisfaction among nurses in Khartoum state government hospitals: 2019

Author(s): Neima M Ibrahim, Zakia Abdelrahman Ahmed and Nadia A Khogali
Background: Job satisfaction is a positive emotional state resulting from appraisal of one’s job, Level of job satisfaction is an extent to which person likes or dislikes his job. Nursing staff are among the most important resources in health care. Job satisfaction plays a role in the delivery of quality of health care system, and it is a key factor linked to the better outcome for patients. Having shortage of nurses’ in part due to pitfalls in job satisfaction, the aim of this study is to envision ways for sustaining the work force.
Methods and Subjects: A hospital based descriptive study conducted among registered nurses working in governmental hospitals. Self-administered modified tool based on related literature and similar tools design in Arabic language. The tool consists of three parts as follow- Part 1: Participants’ profile, Part 2: Job satisfaction survey, Part 3: Two open end question.
Results: Eight nine percent; of participants are females, age of the majority (73. 6%) between 20-40 years old, more than half (59.1%) are married and (45.5%) have no children. According to education profile about half of them (54.6%) have bachelor degree, and (33.6%) have diploma of nursing. Those having executive responsibility are (30.1%). Those practicing general nursing constitute (79.1%). Regarding reason for staying in the job, (35.5%) showed that it’s the only available job. and (31.8) see themselves in the same job for the coming years, while (40%) see themselves as a nurse working in different place. (71%) of these respondents planning to stay as a nurses.
Job satisfaction score among nurses in the study indicated that a moderate (68.6%) total job satisfaction among participants. Regarding salary, participants were moderately satisfied (63.6%). participant were slightly satisfied with; communication as a nurse (43.7%). recognitions from others profession (45.2%), rewarding of the job (45.8%), promotion opportunities (56.3%), load of work (56.7%), and nature of the job (57.3%).
Conclusion and Recommendation: The overall job satisfaction score among nurses in Khartoum governmental hospitals were moderately satisfied. They were slight satisfied with promotion opportunities, care services, rewarding of job, and communication as a nurse. As nursing staff are among most important resources in health care. Nurses perceive that job satisfaction as being essential for the ability to give high quality and safe service. Researchers recommended ministry of health and administration of governmental hospitals should make strategies aimed to improve nurse’s job satisfaction by financial rewards; improve work conditions and environment as job satisfaction is vital in promoting retention of nurses.
Pages: 86-93  |  789 Views  271 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Neima M Ibrahim, Zakia Abdelrahman Ahmed, Nadia A Khogali. Job satisfaction among nurses in Khartoum state government hospitals: 2019. Int J Home Sci 2021;7(2):86-93. DOI: 10.22271/23957476.2021.v7.i2b.1151

International Journal of Home Science
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