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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 2, PART B

Gender mainstreaming in watershed management programme: An exploratory study

Author(s): Dr. Sudha Babel, Dr. Gaytri Tiwari, Dr. Vishakha Bansal, Dr. Hemu Rathore, Dr. Vishakha Singh and Dr. Sumitra Meena
The initiatives of women participation and gender mainstreaming were assessed in three categories namely programme planning phase, social dimensions and technological dimension. Present study was carried out in two villages of Badgoan panchayat samittee of Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Data were collected from fifteen beneficiaries and fifteen non-beneficiaries women. The economy of the district was primarily based on agriculture and among the sample population it was found that all the respondents were engaged in agriculture activities. The representation of sample population in watershed areas covered almost all the castes/communities Sixty per cent respondents fully agreed that there was mutual trust and rapport between project team and women in watersheds management committees about selection of convenient place for women’s participation, ensuring gender equality in access to project resources, and sensitizing the agencies of watershed programmes about the needs and constraints of women. Among technological dimensions majority of beneficiary women fully agreed that regular training/technical guidance were given to women.
Pages: 45-49  |  394 Views  134 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sudha Babel, Dr. Gaytri Tiwari, Dr. Vishakha Bansal, Dr. Hemu Rathore, Dr. Vishakha Singh, Dr. Sumitra Meena. Gender mainstreaming in watershed management programme: An exploratory study. Int J Home Sci 2020;6(2):45-49.

International Journal of Home Science
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