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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 1, PART E

Governance structure of panchayat level federation in Sivagangai district

Author(s): Dr. R Ajantha Parameshwari and Dr. KS Pushpa
Self Help Groups have been working in India since 1980’s and have brought out visible changes at micro and macro level in community development. The concept of Panchayat Level Federation which is a government level attempt to coordinate women of weaker sections at Panchayat level through SHGs and its federation is catching up in Tamil Nadu. The general objective of the study is to describe the role and functionaries of Panchayat Level Federations in the study locale. The study was undertaken in four blocks of Sivagangai District of Tamil Nadu using a descriptive study design. Out of the 53 PLFs in the chosen blocks, eleven were selected at random for the study. Data were collected from 105 office bearers of the PLF by using an interview schedule. At Panchayat level, a minimum of 10 SHGs constitute a Panchayat Level Federation. The number of SHGs under a federation ranged from 12 to 44. All the members of a PLF together constitute the General body and they elect the executive committee of 11 persons from whom the five office bearers - President, Secretary, Joint secretary, Treasurer and Book keeper are chosen. The responsibilities of the PLF functionaries are mobilizing all eligible women into Self Help Groups, strengthening and furthering the activities of the SHGs, information dissemination and capacity building of SHG members, planning and arranging for grading and credit rating of the PLF and establishment of credit linkages. The formation of the federations began in the study locale in 2008. Most of the PLFs (72.7 per cent) used to collect a monthly fee of Rs.10/- while the others (27.3 per cent) collected Rs. 50/-.The women found economically and socially empowered with their participation in SHG-PLF association. The strength, the motivations interest and delivery mechanisms all get optimized in the federated status resulting in women empowerment leading to group empowerment and vice versa.
Pages: 262-265  |  532 Views  325 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Dr. R Ajantha Parameshwari, Dr. KS Pushpa. Governance structure of panchayat level federation in Sivagangai district. Int J Home Sci 2020;6(1):262-265.

International Journal of Home Science
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