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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2020, VOL. 6 ISSUE 1, PART B

Performance of Kudumbashree units (NHGS) in Devikulam Taluk

Author(s): Saravana Selvi C, Neethu Mohan and KS Pushpa
Development is possible only if the poverty eradication programmes are implemented effectively with the participation of people. The incidence of poverty among female is more severe than among males. Female headed families have a higher percentage of the poorest households in the country. Gender inequalities have resulted in the concentration of women in unorganized sectors and unequal pay for equal work. Empowering women does not mean to give them power to dominate others or to use power to establish their superiority over others. Therefore, empowerment of women in reality is to empower themselves. Here empowerment means empowering the self-recognition of one’s own capacities and contribution to the family, community and society at large in order to create a positive self-image. Even then, among the poor, a major portion of disposable incomes come from females because men spend more for personal comforts. Empowerment of women is considered as an important responsibility of every Government. In this context, Government of Kerala introduced the new women empowerment programme known as, “Kudumbashree.” The very motto of Kudumbashree is based on women empowerment. Vattavada is the Grama Panchayat comes under the Devikulam block in Idukki District was selected for the present study. There are 120 NHG units were functioning in Vattavada Panchayat out of them 10 NHGs were randomly selected, from that 10 NHG presidents were selected purposefully to know the performance of Kudumbashree and to assess the effectiveness of each NHGs in this particular area of study. Interview schedule Parameshwari (2014) [1] was used to collect the information from the respondents. The collected data were coded, analysed and presented in frequency tables by using descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS package v.22. The data were collected from November to December 2018. It could be concluded that the Kudumbashree mission is one of the most effective schemes for the upliftment of rural women of Kerala. The kudumbashree model of women empowerment could be followed by other states in India will definitely improve the development of rural women in many ways.
Pages: 112-115  |  532 Views  152 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Saravana Selvi C, Neethu Mohan, KS Pushpa. Performance of Kudumbashree units (NHGS) in Devikulam Taluk. Int J Home Sci 2020;6(1):112-115.

International Journal of Home Science
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