International Journal of Home Science
2019, VOL. 5 ISSUE 2, PART C
Effect of diversification of agriculture and income on household’s food security in Udham Singh Nagar Uttara Khand State
Author(s): Kusum Lata and Kulshrestha Kalpana
Effect of diversification of agriculture on income of marginal and small farms was examined by selecting 50 marginal and 50 small farmers in U.S. Nagar district of Uttarakhand. The result indicated that there was positive correlation between the degree of diversification and level of farm income. The increase in income led to increased consumption and better food intake. Along with crops, milch animals contributed significantly to farm income ranging between 13 to 18 per cent. 38 per cent marginal and 34 per cent small farmers were solely dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. Rice and wheat were main cereals produced for family consumption. Production of pulses and vegetables was done by a very small percentage of farmers. The per capita per day availability of cereals on marginal and small farms were 402.82 and 413.52 grams respectively which were lower than recommended quantity (420g). Similarly, availability and consumption level of pulses, vegetables and milk were also found to be quite lower compared to recommended quantities by ICMR. The overall results indicated that subjects were unsecured from view point of food security and nutritional status.
How to cite this article:
Kusum Lata, Kulshrestha Kalpana. Effect of diversification of agriculture and income on household’s food security in Udham Singh Nagar Uttara Khand State. Int J Home Sci 2019;5(2):144-147.