2019, VOL. 5 ISSUE 1, PART E
Use of advanced communication media for rural development
Author(s): Dr. Sangeta Gupta, Priyanka Pandey and Virendra Kumar
The present study entitled “use of advanced communication media for rural development†was undertaken in the year 2014-15 in the district kanpur and district Lucknow of Uttar Pradesh state in which 7-7 respondent was selected purposively from 6 government and 6 non government organization. The total no of 84 respondents was selected. The data was collected on social-personal characteristics of respondents, advanced communication media used by different organizations for the purpose of rural developments, factor involved in selection of advance communication media constraints faced and suggestion for improvement with the help of pre-tested structured interview schedule. It is found the analysis that out of total respondents, majority of respondents belonged to government and non-government organization, 32.7% belong to 45-50 years of age group, 34.5 % education up to graduate and experience of 6-10 years in the field of extension, teaching and research, 41.7 % respondents belong to middle management level of hierarchy, 59.5% respondents belonged to joint family and their monthly income was rs 20,000 to 30,000. It is also observed that highest utilization of advanced communication media and tools such as mobiles, computer, fax, telephone, paper etc. for purpose of official documentation, communication with farmer /form women training programme field demonstration and field visit, seminar, workshop and research work.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sangeta Gupta, Priyanka Pandey, Virendra Kumar. Use of advanced communication media for rural development. Int J Home Sci 2019;5(1):248-249.