International Journal of Home Science
2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 3, PART F
Attitudes of Zimbabwean university students towards indigenous foods
Author(s): Dr. Lilian Manwa, Dr. Lokadhia Manwa and Plaxcedia Mahundi
The current study sought to find out the attitudes of university students towards indigenous foods. Attitudes involve feelings and emotions hence the adoption of a qualitative approach. The study used a case study design in order to find out the attitudes of the female scholars. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were the tools used to solicit data from a sample of thirty participants. The sample which was conveniently selected comprised of twenty female students and ten males from four faculties. The results from the study revealed that most students had negative attitudes towards indigenous foods except for a few who were in favour of the foods. Lack of knowledge about the importance of the indigenous foods was established as the main predisposing factor of their negative attitudes. Acculturation was also established as another cause of negative attitudes as most of the students were alienated from their culture in favour of foreign cultures and food. The study recommends that universities as centers of higher education and knowledge pursue the cultural values of the society as they teach the students about their cultural heritage which include traditional foods. Media such as monographs that encourages students to eat traditional foods are necessary and these may be a brainchild of the nutrition section.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Lilian Manwa, Dr. Lokadhia Manwa, Plaxcedia Mahundi. Attitudes of Zimbabwean university students towards indigenous foods. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(3):340-345.