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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2018, VOL. 4 ISSUE 1, PART E

A study on the nutritional status of pre primary of children coming to Anganwadi in rural area of Gandhinagar district

Author(s): Tara Desai
India is home to 42% of the world‘s underweight children and 31% of the world‘s stunted children (UNICEF 2009). Over half (54%) of all childhood deaths in India are related to malnutrition. Nearly 30% of the global childhood deaths attributed to stunting, severe wasting, and intrauterine growth restriction-low birth weight occur in India. Nearly 40% of all low birth weight babies in the world are born in India (UNICEF 2006). To combat this situation The Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Scheme was introduced in 33 Blocks (Projects) in 1975 in India which is one of the largest child care programs in the world aiming at child health, hunger, malnutrition and its related issues. Currently the Scheme is operational in 336 Blocks in Gujarat. As on May 2016, 52649 Anganwadi centers are operational in 336 blocks. In total 51.79 Lakhs beneficiaries are covered in supplementary nutrition program out of them 32.30 Lakhs children are 6 months to 6 years (as per Though government is spending lot of money on ICDS program me, impact is very ineffective. The result of various researches in India has pointed that even now, after a long span of implementation of ICDS in Gujarat State, the scheme is not able to fully resolve the problem of poor nutritional status of the preprimary school children. Consequently the research was undertaken to study the Nutritional Status of preprimary (0-6 year) children coming to Anganwadi in rural area of Gandhinagar District. The present study was conducted to assess supplementary nutrition (SN) activities and its impact on the Nutritional Status on preprimary children. Simple random sampling was used for selection of preprimary children (n-200) and their parents (n-200) coming to 46 Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) in rural area of Gandhinagar District. The investigator used Self-structured questionnaire, Interview schedules, check list, the parameters of Anthropometric measurements and 24 dietary recall method to collect the data. The results revealed that all the ICDS centres were providing supplementary nutrition to pre-primary children who enrolled in the Anganwadi. Most of the mothers had the knowledge about the nutritional status of children and got information from the Anganwadi workers. Moreover the Nutritional impact of ICDS on pre-primary children according to the parameters of Anthropometric measurements found very satisfactory as well as ICDS children’s food habit is good and they eat all types of foods like beans, fruit, vegetables etc. Thus it can be concluded that though some health problems were seen, the overall Nutritional Status of preprimary (0-6 year) children coming to Anganwadi in rural area of Gandhinagar District found satisfactory.
Pages: 295-299  |  1168 Views  533 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Tara Desai. A study on the nutritional status of pre primary of children coming to Anganwadi in rural area of Gandhinagar district. Int J Home Sci 2018;4(1):295-299.

International Journal of Home Science
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