International Journal of Home Science
2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 3, PART D
A study on differences in emotional intelligence among normal and differently abled adolescents
Author(s): Rimjhim Rajbhar and UV Kiran
The adolescents have to be encouraged to be unique and person with similarities and differences. This might be due to the fact that in some cases, the handicapped adolescent does not have many chances to interact with other adolescents outside the home which makes adolescents even more important. In the present study multistage random sampling technique was adopted and a sample of 60 adolescents was selected from the identified schools of the selected ward. The sample was selected by identifying institutions working for disabled. Lucknow city was purposively selected to conduct the study as it is convenient for the researcher to conduct the research. They were tested individually for emotional intelligence with the help of Emotional Intelligence Scale develop by of Arun K.S. and Shruti.
How to cite this article:
Rimjhim Rajbhar, UV Kiran. A study on differences in emotional intelligence among normal and differently abled adolescents. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(3):217-221.