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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 3, PART A

Visual merchandising: An effective tool for fashion retailing

Author(s): Beena Santosh and Dr. Madhu Sharan
Fashion is imperative part of our lives. Persistent change is what defines fashion. This change has been accelerated by the changing scenario of retailing. Over the years there have been dramatic developments in the field of Fashion retailing. Now the trend has become to bring the customer close to the merchandise. Fashion stores are dressed to call customers, and visual merchandising plays a major role in that. In present times, consumers are not influenced anymore from the salespersons but they are influenced by the showcases, a product of the merchandiser. Store image and shopping environment for fashion stores is a significant determinant to spend time in the store and to spend more money than planned. On the other hand, retail store elements such as colour, lighting and V.M. have an immediate effect on the buying decision making process. The elements such as flat screen videos, lighting, colour and composition create a unique atmosphere and excite the sense of consumers. In today’s competitive retail environment, fashion retailers struggle in order to increase their sales and to carry their brands to the wider masses. The best way to achieve this purpose is to consider the significance of visual merchandising. The exterior of the buildings and their both exterior and interior designs can help to be recognized of the fashion brand. In today’s fashion retailing business, Visual Merchandising plays an important role to bring shoppers inside the store and make them purchase clothes. In this article author has showcased an overview of visual merchandising and built a relation in between visual merchandising and retailing. This will help in judicious use of the element and components of visual merchandising for effective retailing.
Pages: 42-45  |  772 Views  629 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Beena Santosh, Dr. Madhu Sharan. Visual merchandising: An effective tool for fashion retailing. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(3):42-45.

International Journal of Home Science
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