International Journal of Home Science
2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 2, PART K
Emotional maturity among secondary school boys of Sitapur district in Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): Sarla Devi and Dr. V Raji Sugumar
The Emotional Maturity becomes essential in the behaviour of individuals. As the students are the pillars of the future generations their value pattern with respect to emotional maturity are vital. Therefore the present study intends to measure the Emotional Maturity of Secondary School male students. Emotional maturity is said to be the foundation for leading a happy and contented life. With this prelude the present study was conducted among 700 boys from English medium (350) and Hindi medium (350) selected from the secondary schools of Sitapur district of U.P. The result reveals that there is a significant difference in emotional maturity of boys belonging to English medium. Therefore, the emotional maturity varies from child to child and culture to culture.
How to cite this article:
Sarla Devi, Dr. V Raji Sugumar. Emotional maturity among secondary school boys of Sitapur district in Uttar Pradesh. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(2):712-714.