S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Microbial degumming of silk yarn Shumaila Naaz, Dr. Charu Gupta and Dr. Sunita Aggarwal Pages: 410-413 | 791 Views 384 Downloads | India |
2 | To study the effects of intervention program on life skills education level among high school children Dr. Manjula G Kadapatti And Poornima Yaraguppi Pages: 414-418 | 1422 Views 141 Downloads | India |
3 | Nutritional status profiles of cardiovascular diseases with special reference to biochemical Vitamins C T Deepa Reddy And K Anuradha Pages: 419-420 | 966 Views 173 Downloads | India |
4 | Training module in textile craft for skill development Anjali Kaware Pages: 421-426 | 1587 Views 630 Downloads | India |
5 | Development and nutritional evaluation of value added extruded products from maize-oat-tulsi flour blend Nutan Narwal Pages: 427-429 | 1304 Views 241 Downloads | India |
6 | Knowledge of the homemakers regarding water footprint Ruchi Pareek And Neeta Lodha Pages: 430-436 | 1652 Views 190 Downloads | India |
7 | Nutritional status and dietary pattern of female students from North East states India residing in Chennai Janeline Lunghar And Mary Pramela A Pages: 437-439 | 865 Views 252 Downloads | India |
8 | Food preservation as economic improvement of rural women Gitasree Goswami, Sanghamitra Mohapatra, And Anita Singh Pages: 440-442 | 1138 Views 189 Downloads | India |
9 | Development of natural mosquito repellent cotton fabric using sweet lime peel Apoorva Gupta And Dr. Archana Singh Pages: 443-446 | 1141 Views 562 Downloads | India |
10 | Study the effect of teaching method on the academic achievement of school going children of Semiurban Area, S Schools of Lucknow city Gupta Pooja Pages: 447-453 | 18115 Views 17663 Downloads | India |