S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | HIV/AIDS awareness and socio–economic characteristics: A study on women of Agra slum Dr. Dolly Rani, Bharti Singh and Manju Arora Pages: 139-142 | 1391 Views 204 Downloads | India |
2 | Efficacy of orange peel as a mosquito repellent Apoorva Gupta and Dr. Archana Singh Pages: 143-146 | 12755 Views 11933 Downloads | India |
3 | Prevalence of nutritional anemia in pregnant women in selected slum areas under the Cuttack municipal corporation - A field study Padmaja Jagati Pages: 147-150 | 657 Views 233 Downloads | India |
4 | Work environment related issues in Indian dairy farms Natasha Sharma and Dr. TG Rupa Pages: 151-154 | 1426 Views 423 Downloads | India |
5 | Development of mosquito repellent finished cotton fabric using eco friendly mint A Gupta and Dr. A Singh Pages: 155-157 | 1862 Views 1309 Downloads | India |
6 | Pre menstrual syndrome among females Divya Kaushik, Sheetal, Dr. Luxita Sharma And Dr. Puneeta Ajmera Pages: 158-161 | 909 Views 447 Downloads | India |
7 | Symbolic adoption of cutting and tailoring trainings organized for scheduled caste women caste women Kiran Bala and Vinita Jain Pages: 162-165 | 695 Views 249 Downloads | India |
8 | Algae as a functional food Oluwakemi Folarin and Dr. Luxita Sharma Pages: 166-170 | 887 Views 434 Downloads | India |
9 | Formulation of a low cost nutritious product to fulfil the macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies of the economically challenged population Mayurakshi Kundu and Dr. Adrija Sarkar Pages: 171-174 | 760 Views 332 Downloads | India |
10 | Dyeing of nylon fabric with natural dye extracted from waste leaves of Terminalia catappa locally known as tropical almond tree Dr. Yogesh Vadwala and Dr. Namrita Kola Pages: 175-181 | 1498 Views 1083 Downloads | India |