S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Standardization and development of products by using coconut Ankita Shukla, Dr. Mamta Jaiswal, Kiran Agrahari and Archana Singh Pages: 71-74 | 850 Views 312 Downloads | India |
2 | Assessment of the self-esteem of the identified child labour Priya Sharma and UV Kiran Pages: 75-79 | 1339 Views 489 Downloads | India |
3 | Development of an indigenous calcium rich food supplement Gayathri G and Hemamalini AJ Pages: 80-84 | 1092 Views 464 Downloads | India |
4 | A study on kitchen gardening practices in Sultanpur City Simpal verma, Archana Singh, Mamta Jaiswal and Kiran Agrahari Pages: 85-89 | 883 Views 213 Downloads | India |
5 | Standardization and development of broccoli based product Sakshi Jaiswal, Archana Singh, Mamta Jaiswal and Kiran Agrahari Pages: 90-93 | 1067 Views 265 Downloads | India |
6 | Application of natural dye obtained from peel of black cardamom on silk fabric Renu Singh and Dr. Sangita Srivastava Pages: 94-96 | 1091 Views 511 Downloads | India |
7 | bankSj 'kgj dh dkedkth efgykvksa esa O;kolkf;d ruko,oa fpark dk v/;;u] muds O;olkf;d Lrj] ifjokj ds izdkj,oa 'kS{kf.kd Lrj ds lanHkZ esa डाॅ. छाया हारà¥à¤¡à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾ डाॅ. जयशà¥à¤°à¥€ बाथम Pages: 97-99 | 719 Views 281 Downloads | India |
8 | A critical review on extraction of natural dyes from leaves Renu Singh and Sangita Srivastava Pages: 100-103 | 3252 Views 2645 Downloads | India |
9 | A study on breakfast consumption pattern and eating habits of youth of Sultanpur City Kalpana Agrahari, Kiran Agrahari and Sunidhi Mishra Pages: 104-109 | 1115 Views 343 Downloads | India |
10 | A study on complications & psychological health of adolescent girls during menstruation in Sultanpur city Madhuri Gupta, Archana Singh, Mamta Jaiswal amd Kiran Agrahari Pages: 110-114 | 699 Views 233 Downloads | India |