S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Adolescence attachment towards parents and peers and its impact on academics performance Shalini Singh Pages: 01-05 | 622 Views 328 Downloads | India |
2 | A study on the acceptability, nutrient composition and shelf life of ‘Sandesh’, a Bengali sweetmeat, developed from soymilk and enriched with finger millet and sesame seeds P Sadhukhan and A Sarkar Pages: 06-09 | 1522 Views 351 Downloads | India |
3 | To develop ladoos from the different ratios of Ragi and khus flour Sharma Luxita and Aditi Sharma Pages: 10-13 | 1438 Views 398 Downloads | India |
4 | A comparative study on dietary habits of teenagers of home science students and non-home science students of Sultanpur city Poonam Yadav, Mamta Jaiswal, Kiran Agrahari and Archana Singh Pages: 14-20 | 680 Views 272 Downloads | India |
5 | A study on the use of Iodized salt in rural areas of Sultanpur city Manisha, Kiran Agrahari, Mamta Jaiswal and Archana Singh Pages: 21-25 | 1629 Views 174 Downloads | India |
6 | Standardization and development of beetroot based product Neha Dwivedi, Archana Singh, Dr. Mamta Jaiswal and Kiran Agrahari Pages: 26-30 | 2066 Views 1398 Downloads | India |
7 | Assessment of the level of stress among elderly Mahima Tandon Pages: 31-33 | 1359 Views 992 Downloads | India |
8 | Comparison of health care services between public and private old homes in Bangladesh BM Rabiul Islam, Mohammad Abdul Bari, Meher Nowrose, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Mohima Benojir Hoque and Md. Ismail Hossain Pages: 34-39 | 603 Views 220 Downloads | Bangladesh |
9 | MGNREGA and policy institutional factors K Keerthi and Dr. P Amala Kumari Pages: 40-41 | 1615 Views 130 Downloads | India |
10 | Association between maternal and child nutritional status in some selected rural and urban regions of West Bengal: A cross sectional study Riddhi Gupta, Dr. Sarmistha Chakrabarti and Dr. Suniti Ghosh Chatterji Pages: 42-45 | 714 Views 296 Downloads | India |
11 | An assessment of knowledge and level of awareness among postmenopausal women regarding management and control of osteoporosis Umera Baba, Nilofer Khan and Dr. Imtiyaz Ali Pages: 46-48 | 522 Views 241 Downloads | India |
12 | A study on nutritional status and most common symptoms of patients with hypothyroidism Sumera Baba Pages: 49-51 | 648 Views 181 Downloads | India |