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International Journal of Home Science
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International Journal of Home Science

2017, VOL. 3 ISSUE 1, PART I

Analysis of nutritional status of pregnant women in rural areas of Bihar state

Author(s): Shameema Rahman and Dr. Kiran Singh

The study assesses nutritional status ofrnpregnant women in rural of Bihar State. Pregnant women have been widelyrnrecognized as a vulnerable group from health point of view. They need more foodrnthan normal person for the proper nourishment of the growing foetus. The fieldrnof nutrition of the pregnant women, particularly in rural area, has been sadlyrnneglected. Against this backdrop, the study was carriedrnout among pregnant women from 15 different villages of Bihar. This studyrnincluded two phases in which the phase consists a pre-tested structuredrninterview schedule was used for the collection of general information. 24 hourrnrecall method of diet survey was applied for the collection of dietaryrninformation. Hemoglobin level was collected from Doctor‘s report for observingrnthe anemic condition. It was found that the mean Iron, calcium, carotene andrnfolic acid was much lower than the recommended dietary allowances (RDA)rnvolumes. Percent incidence of common nutritional deficiencies among the pregnantrnwomen was much higher in the third trimester than the 1st and 2ndrntrimester. In spite of better education and high - income, nutrition intake wasrnlower than RDA in case of many sample women.
Pages: 376-379  |  970 Views  441 Downloads

International Journal of Home Science
How to cite this article:
Shameema Rahman, Dr. Kiran Singh. Analysis of nutritional status of pregnant women in rural areas of Bihar state. Int J Home Sci 2017;3(1):376-379.

International Journal of Home Science
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